Spinal Canal Stenosis: Treatment without Surgery

When it comes to spinal canal stenosis. The fear of surgery builds within and you feel there is no other way other than to opt for spinal surgery. And under the fear of the surgery- you turn every stone and generally make many mistakes by opting wrong and unscinentific treatment approaches. Because most of the times you think that surgeon’s statement is the final verdict. But this is not true. Scientific Ayurveda treatment of spinal Canal stenosis– whether in cervical or lumbar regions- is possible without surgery. At Sukhayu Ayurved Jaipur the special treatment of the Spinal problems is done with scientific approach under expertise of M.D. (Ayurveda) doctor Vaidya Dr. Pardeep Sharma. The treatment ensures pain free life and certainly restoration of the disc back to its place and complete resolution of the canal stenosis.
Canal Stenosis is – blockage of the canal. Which canal and what blocks the canal?
Let’s dive deep into the science behind the spinal canal stenosis….
Canal Stenosis: Blockage of Spine and Compression on the nerves
Human body is a complex network of the channels according to Ayurveda. Among the biggest channels- human spine is one. Spine is a tubular structure made up of thirty odd bones. These bones have ring like structures on the backside. These bony rings together make canal like structure. This canal holds the spinal cord. All these bones are separated by spinal discs- the spongy shock absorbers. Between every two bones there are small gutters on either side- from these gutters nerves emerge and supply to the destined parts1.
Due to the pressure- disc bulges, protrudes and this bulge starts pressing the nerves and enters in the canal. This is we know as canal stenosis.
So the canal is- vertebral canal and the stenosis (blockage) comes due to the disc.
In surgery the aim is to remove the bulged part of the disc to make sure the pressure from the nerves will go away. Don’t know why nobody thinks about bringing back the disc in its space. This is what we do at Sukhayu Ayurved.
What Does Happen Canal Stenosis
Problem with the canal stenosis is always acute and more complicated. Because in Canal Stenosis the pressure on the nerves is greater than the normal slip disc issue. There are two reasons-
- The compression comes over the spinal cord, which causes more neurological symptoms.
- Broad based compression on the nerves brings more issues like burning sensation and numbness.
The general symptoms of the Canal stenosis are like compression on the nerve but are more severe in general. All the symptoms from the list below are not importantly occurs, generally these are-
- Pain in lower back or neck as per the affected region.
- Pain, burning, numbness, tingling, or cramping in the lower back, buttocks, legs, and feet- as per the compression on the nerves.
- Activity related weakness in the legs and feet
- All these symptoms worsen with standing or walking, but improve with leaning forward
- Loss of feeling in the arms, hands, feet, or legs
- The compression can lead to loss of bladder or bowel control
What is Non Surgical Treatment for Spinal Canal Stenosis
The treatment is to bring back the disc back to its place. Because it is neither about canal nor about the nerves. This is all about – the disc. Logically this happens because of the spinal muscles and pressure exerted because of the same on the disc. The pressure on the spongy disc make these to bulge out and finally this leads to the compression on the nerves by occupying the canal and causing canal stenosis.
So solution for the problem of canal stenosis lies in correction of the spinal alignment and to bring back the disc to its place.
At Sukhayu Ayurved Jaipur, we do it through Panchakarma and Ayurvedic Medicines.
But before taking the case we strongly recommend the assessment of the patient and studying MRI report properly. Because we only take the cases which we can do. So share your MRI for the proper assessment of your case so that we can treat your canal stenosis without surgery.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441989/ โฉ๏ธ