“Fiery”- aggressive but very soft inside because of unctuousness, so are the Pitta people. You might don’t like the straightforwardness, which they are blessed with. But you need to believe them for sure because they are logical with illogical things also. Here we will discuss all aspects of the Pitta Prakriti.

Digestion of the foods and cultivation of energy from the food is the main objective of Pitta in the body. Besides this Pitta is also responsible for the psychological qualities of the body like emotions. Pitta is an analytical, aggressive, and alert type of Dosha.

Traits of Pitta Prakriti

Each type comes with certain qualities, and so is Pitta Prakriti. This body type has its own charisma when it comes to looks. Pitta Prakriti carries its own qualities and aura. And have certain physical and psychological traits. Which are here…

Physical Traits of Pitta Prakriti

  • Moderate and medium body type
  • The red and cupric tint of the skin
  • Moderate body weight
  • Bodyweight will be optimum in normal case
  • Moles, blackheads on the skin
  • Sharpness in activities
  • Yellow tint of the teeth
  • Fond of luxury
  • Precise and calculative movements
  • Scanty hairs on the scalp
  • Greying of hairs at an early age
  • Baldness
  • Bad smell in body parts and sweat

Psychological Traits of Pitta Prakriti

  • High in emotions
  • Good in learning
  • Needs logic and reasoning to understand the things
  • Sharp memory, relation-based
  • Anxiety and high emotions
  • Calculates everything before doing something
  • Aggressive and arranged mostly
  • Uncontrolled Anger
  • Cannot face the grieves

The Guna based Traits of Pitta Prakriti

Because of certain inherited characteristics of Doshas, body types have their own characteristics. This applies to all the doshas. And clinically at Sukhayu Ayurved, we follow this timeless tradition of Charaka Samhita. So that we can give the best results in clinical practices.

Characters of Pitta Prakriti are-


Pitta is hot (ushna), sharply/acutely acting (tikshna), liquid (drava), of fleshy smell (visram), sour (amla) and pungent (katu). These

तस्यौष्ण्यात्पित्तलाभवन्त्युष्णासहा, उष्णमुखाः, सुकुमारावदातगात्राः , प्रभूतविप्लुव्यङ्गतिलपिडकाः, क्षुत्पिपासावन्तः, क्षिप्रवलीपलितखालित्यदोषाः, प्रायोमृद्वल्पकपिलश्मश्रुलोमकेशाश्च; तैक्ष्ण्यात्तीक्ष्णपराक्रमाः, तीक्ष्णाग्नयः, प्रभूताशनपानाः, क्लेशासहिष्णवो, दन्दशूकाः; द्रवत्वाच्छिथिलमृदुसन्धिमांसाः, प्रभूतसृष्टस्वेदमूत्रपुरीषाश्च; विस्रत्वात्प्रभूतपूतिकक्षास्यशिरःशरीरगन्धाः; कट्वम्लत्वादल्पशुक्रव्यवायापत्याः; तएवङ्गुणयोगात्पित्तलामध्यबलामध्यायुषोमध्यज्ञानविज्ञानवित्तोपकरणवन्तश्चभवन्ति||९७||

Charak Samhita

Body Systems controlled by the Pitta Dosha

Cardiac System: The heart is overactive with the Pitta people because you are high in emotions always and you take yourself responsible for many things. Secondly, you have aggression and anger which works to add to the problems.

Skin and hairs: Skin and hairs can tell quickly about your Dosha, Mr. Pitta! Grey hairs, baldness, moles and blackheads on skin, cupric tint of the body.

Blood-Related Systems: Hypertension is the most commonest thing with Pitta persons besides this high or too low volume of the blood and problems with the blood associated systems like spleen etc. are very common with Pitta Prakruti.  

Digestive System: Pitta resides and controls the digestive system, so this is by default that there will be some problems with the digestive system.

Liver and Bile system: Production of bile and excretion of bile both are controlled by the Pitta alone, so this system is prone to the problems in case of Pitta dominance.  

Psychological Disturbances: Emotions cause anger and anger brings many other problems, this is the baseline for the Pitta Prakriti.

Diseases of Pitta Body Type

Cardiac  SystemDigestive SystemLiver & Bile SystemSkin and HairsPsychological
Angina pectoris
Coronary disease
Cardio-vascular attack
Peptic ulcers
Duodenal ulcers
Inflammatory Bowel disorder
Sensitive bowels
Repetitive diarrhea 
Fatty Liver
Bile stones
Portal vein hypertension 
Grey hairs
Skin diseases (all types of)
Moles and Blackheads
Acne in all ages
Skin rashes
Problems with skin pigmentation
Excessive foul-smelling sweat
Disturbed  Sleep Anxiety
Always worried

Avoid these diseases easily by using the right Diet, Lifestyle, and Yoga!

Why not to try the Pitta Kit to get rid of the problems of the Pitta……prevent before these attacks on you!

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In name of Ayurveda centers and hospitals, resorts are common. And this dragged Ayurveda to a category of relaxation and spa only. This is the reason, Ayurveda pendulum between spa and hotels. Hospitals are not common in Ayurveda.

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