Case Series: Ayurvedic Treatment for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Here we are presenting case study of three patients where we have done similar type of Panchakarma treatments. The outcome of the treatment was overwhelming and gave a new insight about the approach of treatment we are following.
These all three cases were treated with an approach of AAMAJA GAMBHEER VATARAKTA with Vata-Kapha Dominance. All three patients were HLAB27 +ve and had taken treatment with Allopathy for Ankylosing Spondylitis for more than 4 years. But none of them had taken “biologicals” so far.
The main aim was to evaluate the efficacy of the Ayurvedic treatment for Ankylosing Spondylitis with some substantial evidences.
Case Study 1: Rameshwar Lal, Age 45
Rameshwar Lal, a 45-year-old patient, was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis and tested positive for HLA-B27. He experienced severe lower back pain and sacroilitis, significantly affecting his mobility and daily activities.
Symptoms were:
- Pain in lower back
- Pain in SI joint
- Problem in walking
- Restricted joint mobility
- Morning Stiffness (lasts for more than 1 hour)
- Loss of Appetite
- Constipation
- Problem in prolonged sitting
Patient was taking- HCQs, Sulfasalazines and pain killers regularly, when he came to us with not much change in the condition. Pain was increasing regularly and patient was not able to change posture by his own.
- Total Duration of Treatment : 19 months
- Panchakarma Sessions: Total 4 sessions of Panchakarma.
- 15 Days treatment: Dated 10/01/2022 to 24/01/2022
- 1st 8 Days Session: 18/03/2022 to 25/03/2022
- 2nd 8 Days Session: 10/07/2022 to 17/07/2022
- 3rd 8 Days Session: 02/02/2023 to 09/02/2023
- 4th 8 Days Session: 11/10/2023 to 18/10/2023
- Medicines:
- Cap Ankylocare, Cap Aamowin, Brihat Manjisthadi Kashayam, Tab S-600, Erand Paak
Outcome: After four sessions, Rameshwar ji experienced significant relief from pain and stiffness. His BASDAI score improved from 7 to 3, indicating enhanced mobility and daily functioning. ESR was 78 when we started the treatment, lowered down to 20 and he has stopped all allopathy medicines.
On the date, 22 May he had stopped Ayurvedic medicines too since last 6 odd months. Dietary restrictions are continue with the patient.
Case Study 2: Abhimanyu Singh, Age 28
Condition: Abhimanyu Singh, a 28-year-old HLA-B27 positive patient, experienced pain and stiffness in the cervical region, affecting his neck movements and posture.
Symptoms were:
- Pain in Neck
- Restricted movements of neck
- Stiffness in shoulders
- Pain in middle back
- Pain in small joints- fingers
- Morning Stiffness (lasts for more than 1 hour)
- Dizziness
- Constipation
Treatment Given
- Total Duration of Treatment : 18 months
- Panchakarma Sessions: Total 4 sessions of Panchakarma.
- 15 Days treatment: Dated 22/03/2022 to 06/03/2022
- 1st 8 Days Session: 18/05/2022 to 25/05/2022
- 2nd 8 Days Session: 08/08/2022 to 15/08/2022
- 3rd 8 Days Session: 12/06/2023 to 19/06/2023
- 4th 8 Days Session: 05/01/2024 to 12/01/24
- Panchakarma Sessions: Total 4 sessions of Panchakarma.
- Medicines:
- Cap Ankylocare, Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu, Vrihta Vata Chintamani , Brihat Manjisthadi Kashayam, Tab S-600, Yograj Rasayana
Outcome: Abhimanyu reported significant improvement in neck mobility and pain reduction. His BASDAI score improved from 6 to 3, reflecting better overall well-being and posture. ESR and CRP were- 45 and 12 which turned to 10 and 2 respectively with in 6 months of the treatment of AS.
Case Study 3: Rohit Saxena, Age 35
Condition: Rohit Saxena, a 35-year-old HLA-B27 positive patient, suffered from severe cervical pain and stiffness due to ankylosing spondylitis, limiting his neck movement and causing discomfort.
Symptoms were:
- Mild forward bend in neck
- Pain in neck
- Pain increases while resting.
- Stiffness in shoulders
- Pain in middle back
- Morning Stiffness (lasts for less than 1 hour)
- Mild pain in the hip joint
- Pain in knee joint
Patient was taking- Sulfasalazine and pain killers regularly, when he came to us with not much change in the condition.
- Total Duration of Treatment : 16 months
- Panchakarma Sessions: Total 3 sessions of Panchakarma.
- 15 Days treatment: Dated 11/12/2022 to 25/12/2022
- 1st 8 Days Session: 03/02/2023 to 10/03/2023
- 2nd 8 Days Session: 12/05/2023 to 19/05/2023
- 3rd 8 Days Session: 18/11/2023 to 25/11/2023
- Medicines:
- Cap Ankylocare, Singhnad Guggulu, Avipattikara Churna , Brihat Manjisthadi Kashayam, Tab S-600, Yograj Rasayana
Outcome: Rohit experienced significant relief from cervical pain and stiffness. His BASDAI score improved from 4.8 to 2, indicating enhanced neck mobility and reduced discomfort.
Treatment Given To patients of Ankylosing Spondylitis:
Here are the details of the treatment which was given to these patients. As said above, we took the approach of treatment according to- Gambheer Vatarakta with Kapha dominance. The Panchakarma modalities we followed were-
- Basti Chikitsa: The 15 days and 8 days pattern of treatment is according to Basti pattern. Set of 30 Bastis and 16 bastis were done for the patients. Pachatikta Ksheer Sadhita Basti with Guggulu Tikta Ghrita (Prepared by self at Sukhayu Ayurved). This was main pattern.
- Kizhi (Pottali): Pottali aimed to improve circulation and reduce stiffness. The blood circulation is main aim in the treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis.
- Kaya Seka (Pizhichil): Warm oil therapy for deep tissue relaxation and pain relief.
- Greeva Basti/Kati Basti: Application of medicated oils to the cervical spine, reducing pain and enhancing neck flexibility. This application was done through pooling of oil on the affected region.
BASDAI Scores Before and After Treatment
Patient Name | Age | Main Region of Pain | BASDAI Score Before Treatment | BASDAI Score After Treatment |
Rameshwar Lal | 45 | Lower Back with Sacroiliitis | 7 | 3 |
Abhimanyu Singh | 28 | Cervical Region | 6 | 3 |
Rohit Saxena | 35 | Cervical Region | 4.8 | 2 |
Evidence based outcome of Ayurveda treatment for Ankylosing Spondylitis
The case studies presented here confirm the efficacy of Panchakarma therapies in the management of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in patients with HLA-B-27 Specifically, Basti therapy, Kizhi, Kaya Seka, and highlighting the use of locally specific Bastis (Kati Basti for back pain) , Cervical Basti for cervical pain) showed significant therapeutic benefits Rameshwar Lal (from 7 to 3), Abhimanyu Singh (from 6 to 3), and Rohit Saxena (from 4.8 to 2) The degree of improvement was reflected by the decrease in BASDAI scores in all cases These results of Ayurvedic intervention in alleviation of pain, reduction of inflammation and improvement of quality of life for AS patients with emphasis on Traditional five-step strategies incorporated into the Panchakarma treatment of ankylosing spondylitis provide an appropriate approach on top of traditional therapies, and emphasizes the importance of further scientific research research and clinical validation in large cohorts.