Leucorrhoea is a flow of white, yellow, green discharge from the vagina that may be normal or a sign of infection. This flow irritates, daily. And with the time problem keeps on increasing. Most of the times it keeps on increasing because of the lack of openness about discussing these things with everyone.
A certain amount of vaginal discharge that flows out of the vaginal opening other than vaginal bleeding is very reasonable.
The uterine cervix and vaginal wall have glands that produce a little amount of fluid to keep the vagina clean. In general, it is clear and thin fluid but may be thick and milky white but does not have an unpleasant smell. Change in color and consistency of vaginal discharge along with odor can be a sign of infection.
Facts on Leucorrhoea
- Leucorrhoea is discharge from the female genital tract except for menstrual blood.
- It is a mixture of vaginal secretion as well as the cervical mucus.
- Changes in hormones, pregnancy, or presence of infection affect the amount and consistency of vaginal discharge.
- The amount of leucorrhoea varies from female to female.
- Leucorrhoea may occur before the first period as a sign of puberty.
- It is normal to view leucorrhoea just after and before menstrual bleeding.
- The most common cause of leucorrhoea is increased oestrogen. In general, it is healthy but may also be a result of congestion or inflammation of vaginal mucosa due to poor health and unhygienic conditions.
Classification of Leucorrhoea
Leucorrhoea is divided into two types:
- Physiological leucorrhoea – Physiological leucorrhoea is common in females. It is a natural defence mechanism to preserve the flexibility of vaginal tissue and maintain the chemical balance and natural pH and vaginal flora. It happens due to the changes in the level of oestrogen hormone. Mostly it is thin or mucus-like and clear. Unless it increases in quantity, it is normal.
- Inflammatory leucorrhoea – This type of leucorrhoea happens due to vaginal congestion or swelling inside the vaginal mucosa occurs. Discharge is mostly yellow in color and foul in smell and indicates infection. It also includes vaginal discharge due to a sexually transmitted disease. Postpartum discharge or the discharge after delivery is also included in inflammatory leucorrhoea.
Pathological leucorrhoea divided as:
- Cervicitis – Cervicitis is inflammation of the uterine cervix. It happens due to sexually transmitted diseases or reactions to intrauterine devices or allergic reaction to contraceptives. It is one of the common pain in the lower back.
- Vaginal yeast infection – Vaginal yeast infection is also known as candidiasis. It is common in pregnant females or those who have diabetes or are on birth control pills and antibiotics. Besides, it is caused due to unhygienic conditions or wearing wet undergarments for a long time. It causes pain, burning, and soreness during urination and intercourse.
- Trichomonas vaginitis – Trichomonas vaginitis is a sexually transmitted disease. Symptoms mostly appear after 3 to 28 off infection. The discharge produces yellow, white discharge that is frothy and strong in odor. Itching in genitals and pain during intercourse and urination are associated with symptoms.
- Bacterial vaginitis – Some females with bacterial vaginitis display symptoms such as greyish, white, and thin discharge. The discharge is accompanied by a fishy or foul smell.
- Chlamydia – Chlamydia infection may not produce any symptoms, but some females experience vaginal discharge along with signs of urinary tract infection.
- Gonorrhoea – Gonorrhoea may not produce any symptom in half of the infective females. In others, it may produce symptoms such as frequent urination, burning with urination, swelling, and redness in the genitals. There is itching and burning in the vaginal area along with yellow discharge.
To understand leucorrhoea, you also need to understand the type’s vaginal discharge.
Type of vaginal discharge
Based on color and consistency, vaginal discharge is of following types:
- Clear and watery leucorrhoea – Clear and watery vaginal discharge is very healthy. A female can experience it at any time of the month. It is common after exercise or exertion.
- White – White vaginal discharge is common at the beginning or the end of the menstrual cycle. However, if the vaginal discharge has cheesy like appearance with foul smell and itchiness, it is not normal and may be a sign of yeast infection.
- Clear and stretchy – If vaginal discharge is evident but is stretchy like mucus, it is an indication that the female is ovulating. Thus, clear and stretchy leucorrhoea is normal.
- Yellow or green – Yellow or green vaginal discharge accompanied by the unpleasant smell is not at all healthy. It is usually chunky and thick. This type of vaginal discharge indicates trichomonas vaginitis.
Physiological leucorrhoea is not a disease. Thus, we will discuss pathological or inflammatory leucorrhoea in detail.
Symptoms of Leucorrhoea
The main symptom of leucorrhoea is excessive vaginal discharge. Other symptoms include:
- Itching
- Fatigue
- Pain in the abdomen
- Constipation
- Pain in the lumbar region
Causes of Leucorrhoea
Few common causes of pathological leucorrhoea are:
- Lack of nutrition
- Unprotected sex
- Infection due to the presence of bacteria and causes
- Poor hygiene
- Injury two tissues in the reproductive system during pregnancy
- Injury to cervix
- Anaemia diabetes
- Irritation due to contraceptive that is inserted into the vagina
- Allergy due to external contraceptives used by the partner
- Urinary tract infection
How Leucorrhoea Occurs
Glands present on the uterine wall to clean and protect the vagina, secrete normal vaginal discharge. The vaginal discharge carries away bacteria and dead cells and prevents infection. Depending upon the time of the menstrual cycle, the color and consistency of the vaginal discharge may vary. Due to the increase in the level of progesterone hormone, the discharge becomes white and cloudy.
However, due to vaginal infection or inflammation, vaginal flora and pH gets imbalanced. The color and consistency of leucorrhoea changes and is accompanied by foul smell itching and other symptoms.
Ayurveda commonly refers to leucorrhoea as Shwetapradara, which means excessive white discharge. It is common in weak, anaemic, and emaciated females. As the constitution of every female is different, Ayurveda has individually formulated treatment for leucorrhoea.