No need to opt for paid consultation now. Sukhayu Ayurved provides the free consultation for patients. All the consultations are done with real and experienced Vaidyas. We have few commitments when doing free consultations-

  • No promotions of the products
  • No upfront or hidden sale of any medicines, herbs etc.
  • We aim to provide the best solution for your problem
Free online ayurveda consultation

What can you expect from Free online Ayurveda Consultation?

Once we will get your response from website with all the details we have asked for, we will assign a Vaidya for you. And first communication will be through WhatsApp. And as per availability, our Vaidya will collect all the relevant information on a brief call from you along with your reports.

Now a senior Vaidya will contact you through video call.

*Please keep in mind that this service is based on first come first serves basis so you might need to wait for the response from our team.

Conditions We Treat

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About Sukhayu

In name of Ayurveda centers and hospitals, resorts are common. And this dragged Ayurveda to a category of relaxation and spa only. This is the reason, Ayurveda pendulum between spa and hotels. Hospitals are not common in Ayurveda.

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