Pinda Swedana is a treatment that is a combination of massage and sweat. This panchakarma procedure helps the best in joints pain, and inflammation. It helps to reduce the aging process as well and treat insomnia, multiple sclerosis, and paralysis. Mostly the duration of treatment is 60 minutes to get the required relief. It is done by warm herbs bags known as pottali and oil. Substances used for these bags are powder, leaves, rice, and Mamsa.
Subtypes of Pinda Swedana
According to the material inside the bag, Pinda Swedana is of different types. The material of the bag also decides the medicinal value of the pinda swedana, therefore the different subtypes have different indications and contraindications..
Churna Pinda Sweda (Podi Kizhi)
- Churna/podi means fine powder. This powder medicinal herbs. Pinda means a bolus. Sweda means Fomentation or sudation.
- So in this procedure, we use the bolus/bags of herbal powder.
- Churna pinda sweda (Podi kizhi) helps the problems of Bone, joints, muscles, and nerves.
- This procedure is unique and specified under Ruksha Sweda
Benefits of Powder Swedana are as follows:
- It increases the peripheral blood supply and relieves body ache
- Strengthens muscles and skin.
- Reduces the joint inflammation
- It acts as a muscle relaxant and eases joint stiffness
- Churna Pinda is useful for relaxation and relieving stress.
- It has detoxifier properties and lowers the tendency of skin diseases.
The duration of treatment is 35 to 40 min, depending on the condition of the patient. Duration of course treatment is 7 to 14 days depending on the condition of the patient.
Mode of action of churna pinda Sweda includes the following:
- The pharmacological activity of herbal drugs
- Therapeutic step of the procedure
- Sudation, which is performed in the therapy
Indications of churna pinda sweda are:
- Shotha (swelling)
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Muscular spasm
- Cervical spondylitis
- Lumbar spondylitis
- Paralysis
- Sprains and cramps
Contraindications of churna pinda sweda are:
- Infectious diseases
- Certain forms of cancer
- skin conditions
- Some cardiac problem
- Hemorrhagic disorders
- Indigestion
- Diarrhea
- Acute illness
- Extreme fatigue
- Pregnancy
Patra Pinda Swedana (Ela Kizhi)
- Patra Pinda Sweda is a kind of sweat therapy. It provides relief from pain and rejuvenates. Patrapinda also strengthens the soft tissues, joints, and muscles in the body.
- It is prepared from the leaves of medicinal plants to induce sweating.
Ingredients included in this procedure are:
Lemon, Coconut gratings, Haridra – Haldi (Turmeric Powder), Rasnadi Churna, Methika (Methi) – Fenugreek, Saindhava Lavana (Rock salt), Eranda Tail (castor oil)
Most commonly used oils for the treatment are frying herbs such as:
- Vishgarbha Taila
- Kottamchukkadi Thailam
- Murivenna
- Ksheerabala Thailam
- Mahanarayana Taila (Mahanarayan Oil)
- Balaswagandhadi Thailam
The Procedure includes the following steps:
- Leaves are collected, sliced of the medicinal plants, and tied in a bolus.
- The bolus is initially placed in a pan and then heated. It may be dipped in herbal oils or heated at a constant temperature.
- Once the bolus is heated, it is removed.
- Oil prepared is rubbed gently over the joints.
- Bolus once cools down to maintain the temperature at the site being treated.
- The treated parts are wiped dipped in warm saltwater.
- The duration of the procedure is about 30 to 60 minutes. For 1 to 2 weeks, therapy is repeated once.
Indications for this treatment are as follows:
- Arthritis – Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Spondylitis & Spondylosis
- Chronic back pain
- Cramps, Myalgia, Neuralgia
Benefits of this treatment are seen in below diseases:
- Joint & Muscle Disorders
- Paralysis
- Detoxification
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Sciatica
Contraindications include:
- Skin allergies.
- Sensitive skin as heat causes redness and itching.
- Acute inflammation.
- Diabetic patients
- Pregnant women.
Shashtik Shali Pinda Sweda (Navar Kizhi)
- It is a type of treatment in which a sweat-inducing massage is given to the patient. Massage is given by using a preparation containing milk and rice. It is used to provide relief from pain and stiffness.
- Along with milk and rice, we use several herbs according to the problem.
- The rice is special, which ripens in just 60 days.
- This therapy improves muscle strength.
- It also re-energizes and rejuvenates the body.
- It derives the rich nutritional content of milk and a particular type of rice with some medicinal herbs.
Table of Ingredients for this treatment is as follows:
- Milk
- Shashtika Shali (this rice is harvested in 60 days)
- Balamula (Roots of Sida Cordifolia)
- Taila (Medicated oil)
- Ghee (Medicated ghee):
- Chandanbala Laxadi Oil
- Ksheerabala Taila
- Lakshadi Oil
- Shatavari Thailam
- Ksheerabala Taila
- Sahacharadi Taila
- Dhanwantharam Thailam
- Balaswagandhadi Thaila
The Procedure of this treatment includes:
- Rice is washed with sterile water to remove mud, dirt, and dust.
- The roots are cut into tiny pieces and then put into a vessel containing water.
- The mixture is boiled until the amount is reduced to 1/4th of the initial quantity.
- This liquid mixture is then strained to remove the solid.
- This decoction is divided into two equal parts: In one part, milk and rice are added, and the mixture is cooked.
- The clothes are tied to make boluses.
- The remaining portion of the decoction is heated on a mild flame after mixing it with milk.
- The boluses are rubbed and stroked on both sides of the patient’s body.
The duration of this procedure is 70 to 105 minutes & the course of the treatment lasts from 7- 21 days, depending on the severity of the condition.
Indications are as follows:
- Osteoarthritis
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Muscular pains
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
Benefits of this treatment are as follows:
- It relieves pain caused by joint disorders such as arthritis and energizes & rejuvenates the body.
- It improves the strength of the tissues of bones and muscles, thus Preventing degeneration and wasting of muscles
- Induces sweating and brings a feeling of lightness in the joints, soft tissues, and muscles.
- Enhances flexibility of the joints
- Improves blood circulation
Contraindications include:
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Varicose veins
- Fractures
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Fever
- Severe inflammation.
- It is the therapy performed for problems of Bones, muscles and nerves, and skin nourishment.
- Mamsa means the meat of the animals; Pinda means a bolus, and Sweda means Fomentation or sudation.
- The swedanaa karma or sudation therapy is given by using a bolus which is prepared by the flesh of goat/sheep/rabbit and processed with medicinal oil along with herbal medicines is called as mamsa pinda Sweda or mamsa kizhi.
- It comprises both snehana (oileation) swedana (sudation) and Brumhana (nourishing).
- Improves Muscular strength
- Rejuvenates the body tissue
- Rejuvenate the body cells
- Stops degeneration of bones and joints
- Nourishment of nerves
- Improves blood
The duration of the procedure takes 35 to 45 minutes & the course of the treatment lasts from 7 – 21 days, depending on the severity of the condition.
- Paralysis
- Muscular dystrophy
- Rejuvenation
- Arthritis
- Body ache
- Chronic pains
- Ligament tears
- Sports injuries
- Infectious diseases
- Hemorrhagic disorders
- Indigestion
- Diarrhoea
- Acute illness